ParamDirectValue : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] ParameterNumber DINT Return GetParamDirectValue BOOL Output dw
ParamDirectValue : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] ParameterNumber DINT Return GetParamDirectValue BOOL Output dw
ParamDirectValue : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] ParameterNumber DINT Return GetParamDirectValue BOOL Output dw
ParamDirectValue : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] ParameterNumber DINT Return GetParamDirectValue BOOL Output dw
Source REFERENCE TO Char [...] SourceOffset DINT The 1 relative [...] TargetOffset DINT The 1 relative
’t need to tag it as [...] ) pszName POINTER TO [...] Watchdog BOOL [c] Is TRUE, if
) ¶ FUNCTION WriteEnd : DINT [...] committed to the device [...] End DINT Input device
Input bExecute BOOL [...] operation. bAbort BOOL If [...] _ITextStream Stream to read the CNC
AccGetNumOfTypes : DINT InOut: Scope [...] AccGetNumOfTypes DINT Input pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
Option DINT Socket option diValue DINT Value to be set on this