IDatasourcesMgr4 ¶ CountDatasources (Property) GetDatasourceItfByIndex (Method)
IDatasourcesMgrInternal ¶ CreateItemFromSymbolinfo (Method) NotificationClient (Property)
DatasourcesMgr.Init (METH) ¶ METHOD Init InOut: Scope Name Type Input pSources POINTER TO Datasource iSourcesCount UINT pRootNodes POINTER TO SymbolicVarsBase.IBaseTreeNode iRootNodeCount UINT
Internal ¶ GetItemInfoWithDatasourceIndex (Method) GetPersistantItemListImpl (Method) ReleaseDataWithDatasourceIndex (Method) UseDataWithDatasourceIndex (Method)
Private ¶ ActivateDefaultUpdateItems (Method) AreAllShutdown (Method) DeriveMaxShutdownTimeoutValue (Method) ExistsPersistantItemList (Method) InitSources (Method) ReadWriteItemsSyncHelp (Method) Releasing ReleaseEvents (Method) TriggerStartShutdownComm (Method) UpdateLists (Method)
Frameswitching ¶ FrameManager (FunctionBlock) GetCount (Method) GetReplacedPath (Method) GetReplacementInfo (Method) Initialize (Method)
FrameManager (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FrameManager IMPLEMENTS IDatasources.IDatasourcesFrameManager Methods: GetCount GetReplacedPath GetReplacementInfo Initialize Structure: GetCount (Method) GetReplacedPath (Method) GetReplacementInfo (Method) Initialize (Method)
Mappings ¶ MappingDesc_ArrayArbitrary (FunctionBlock) FindChild (Method) protTokenLength (Method) MappingDesc_ArraySubRange (FunctionBlock) protDoNotifyArrayAccess (Method)
MappingDesc_ArrayArbitrary (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK MappingDesc_ArrayArbitrary EXTENDS SymbolicVarsBase.TypeDesc_Struct Instances of this mapping allow arbitrary mappings of array ‘components’. This can be used for the following situations for example: + Picking some array members [0] <- [25] [1] <- [30] Reversing the order (maybe combined with picking) [0] <- [1] [1] <- [0] ..hint:: The initialization of this instance is the same than the one of TypeDesc_Struct Methods: FindChild protTokenLength Structure: FindChild (Method) protTokenLength (Method)
MappingDesc_ArraySubRange (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK MappingDesc_ArraySubRange EXTENDS SymbolicVarsBase.TypeDesc_Array Instances of this mapping allow to extract a subrange of a remote array: [100..110] <- [0..500] Additionally, this can be combined with shifting of the array: [0..10] <- [0..500], [100.110] Methods: protDoNotifyArrayAccess Structure: protDoNotifyArrayAccess (Method)