Globale_Variablen (GVL) ¶ InOut: Name Type Initial g_bCPUStopNetVar
to dword InOut [...] NanoSeconds UINT CurrVar [...] of the TimeVar
_IFunIter InOut: Scope Name [...] GetVar [...] ) GetVarName (Method
_IFunIter InOut: Scope Name [...] GetVar [...] ) GetVarName (Method
RelativeAddressInfo : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Initial btRemoteVar
present in generated code only InOut [...] the customer in IEC
. InOut: Scope Name [...] latch variables liLatchVar [...] |iLatchVar
Size2 : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] Size2 DWORD Input var
Size2 : XWORD InOut: Scope [...] Size2 XWORD Input var
Value ); InOut: Scope Name [...] _PRG VAR stTest : string ( 14 ); END_VAR st