_AND_TIME | DINT | DT | DWORD [...] | ULINT | USINT | WORD [...] /TOD/DT 型の場合、日付/時刻
タ型の変数 DT また DATE [...] タ型の変数 DT また DATE [...] : PLC_PRG.filterTimeTo
CertRenewTime : ULINT Get the [...] CertRenewTime ULINT Input hCert RTS_IEC_HANDLE Output dtNotAfter DT
ISO8601 ¶ DT_TO_INT64 (Function) DT_TO_ISO8601 (Function) DT_TO
“from” value dtToValue DT “to” value [...] TimeRangeType To which time
Blob (Function) ISO8601 DT_TO_INT64 (Function) DT_TO_ISO8601 (Function) DT_TO
TimeRangeType Filter type to use dt [...] position dtTo DT Stop [...] to use In
has to be repeated [...] (ms) is sent to the [...] ’s used there to check
set to DT#1970-01 [...] set to DT#1970-01 [...] block can be used to
_UINT (Function) COUNT_TO_ULINT [...] _COUNT (Function) ULINT_TO [...] _UINT (Function) SIZE_TO_ULINT