ReceivedDataSize => ); ; InOut: Scope Name [...] RegisterObjects.project . // Called in an IEC task PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR my
ReadValues InOut: Scope Name [...] ppVar [...] SyncReadVars or TriggerSyncReadVar
the runtime. InOut [...] collisions. The ITFID_IIecVar [...] registered in the file svn
AddressInfo : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] diSize DINT btRemoteVar [...] AbsoluteAddr = TRUE wRemoteVar
Entry : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Entry BOOL Input pVarDesc POINTER TO DataLogVarDesc
. InOut: Name Type [...] for reading in the [...] program in a file
AddEntry : BOOL InOut [...] Input pVarDesc POINTER TO DataLogVarDesc
_LibraryDefines (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope [...] _VERSION_GE_3_2_0_1 INT 2 CMPID_IecVar [...] CMPNAME_IecVar
_LibraryDefines (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope [...] _VERSION_GE_3_2_0_1 INT 2 CMPID_IecVar [...] CMPNAME_IecVar
in ST: var1 := 38 ; (* binär 100110 *) var [...] *) InOut: Scope Name