CmpOPCUAClient Interfaces ¶ Interfaces IOPCUAClientConnectionCallback (Interface) ConnectionStateCallback (Method) GetUserCredentials (Method) VerifyServerCertificate (Method) IOPCUAClientDataAccessCallback (Interface) ReadCallback (Method) WriteCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientDiscoveryCallback (Interface) FindServersCallback (Method) FindServersOnNetworkCallback (Method) GetEndpointsCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientMethodCallback (Interface) CallCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientMonitoredItemCallback (Interface) ItemEventCallback (Method) ItemParameterCallback (Method) ItemStateCallback (Method) ItemValueCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientSubscriptionCallback (Interface) ParameterChangeCallback (Method) StateChangeCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientViewCallback (Interface) BrowseCallback (Method) BrowseNextCallback (Method) RegisterNodesCallback (Method) TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCallback (Method) UnregisterNodesCallback (Method) Structs OPCAClientCredentials_UserPassword (Struct) OPCUAClientConnectionConfiguration (Struct) OPCUAClientCredentials (Union) OPCUAClientMonitoredItemConfiguration (Struct) OPCUAClientUserToken (Struct) Types OPCUAClientConnectionState (Enum) OPCUAClientMonitoredItemState (Enum) OPCUAClientSubscriptionState (Enum)
Interfaces ¶ IOPCUAClientConnectionCallback (Interface) ConnectionStateCallback (Method) GetUserCredentials (Method) VerifyServerCertificate (Method) IOPCUAClientDataAccessCallback (Interface) ReadCallback (Method) WriteCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientDiscoveryCallback (Interface) FindServersCallback (Method) FindServersOnNetworkCallback (Method) GetEndpointsCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientMethodCallback (Interface) CallCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientMonitoredItemCallback (Interface) ItemEventCallback (Method) ItemParameterCallback (Method) ItemStateCallback (Method) ItemValueCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientSubscriptionCallback (Interface) ParameterChangeCallback (Method) StateChangeCallback (Method) IOPCUAClientViewCallback (Interface) BrowseCallback (Method) BrowseNextCallback (Method) RegisterNodesCallback (Method) TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCallback (Method) UnregisterNodesCallback (Method)
IOPCUAClientConnectionCallback (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IOPCUAClientConnectionCallback EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface This interface must be implemented to handle OPC UA connectin properly. It is used to inform the implementaiton on state changes of the UA connectin. Futher this interface is used to verify the OPC UA servers certificate and to retrieve the credentails used to activate the session. The callbacks are called when needed. The GetUserCredentials callback will not be called for connection using the AnonymousUserToken, as the VerifyServerCertificate callback will not be called for unprotected UA connections. Methods: ConnectionStateCallback GetUserCredentials VerifyServerCertificate Structure: ConnectionStateCallback (Method) GetUserCredentials (Method) VerifyServerCertificate (Method)
IOPCUAClientConnectionCallback.ConnectionStateCallback (METH) ¶ METHOD ConnectionStateCallback : OpcUa_StatusCode This callback is called whenever the state of the connection changes. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ConnectionStateCallback OpcUa_StatusCode Input hConnection RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle of the connection that changed the staet. connectionState OPCUAClientConnectionState The new connection state. reason OpcUa_StatusCode The reason why the connection state changed.
IOPCUAClientConnectionCallback.GetUserCredentials (METH) ¶ METHOD GetUserCredentials : OpcUa_StatusCode This callback is called when user credentials are needed to connect to the UA server. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetUserCredentials OpcUa_StatusCode Input hConnection RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the UA connection. pUserToken POINTER TO OPCUAClientUserToken Pointer to the user token data structure that needs to be filled up. Don’t return your own pointer here.
IOPCUAClientConnectionCallback.VerifyServerCertificate (METH) ¶ METHOD VerifyServerCertificate : OpcUa_StatusCode This callback is used to allow a further verification of the UA servers certificate. There is no pre verification of the certificate against the certificate store of the PLC. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return VerifyServerCertificate OpcUa_StatusCode Any status code expect OpcUa_Good will cause the connection to be termindated. Input hConnection RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle the the UA connection. hServerCertificate RTS_IEC_HANDLE Handle the UA server certificate. Can be used with any function of CmpX509Cert.
IOPCUAClientDataAccessCallback (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IOPCUAClientDataAccessCallback EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface These callbacks are used to send the results of data access services back to the caller. Methods: ReadCallback WriteCallback Structure: ReadCallback (Method) WriteCallback (Method)
IOPCUAClientDataAccessCallback.ReadCallback (METH) ¶ METHOD ReadCallback : OpcUa_StatusCode Called in response to OpcUaClient_Read InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ReadCallback OpcUa_StatusCode Input hConnection RTS_IEC_HANDLE The handle of the connection used to call read. serviceResult OpcUa_StatusCode The result of the read service. numOfValues OpcUa_Int32 The number of requested values and available results. pRequests POINTER TO OpcUa_ReadValueId The requested values to be read. pValues POINTER TO OpcUa_DataValue The values actually read from the server.
IOPCUAClientDataAccessCallback.WriteCallback (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteCallback : OpcUa_StatusCode Called in response to OpcUaClient_Write. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return WriteCallback OpcUa_StatusCode Input hConnection RTS_IEC_HANDLE The handle of the connection used to call read. serviceResult OpcUa_StatusCode The result of the write services. numOfNodes OpcUa_Int32 The number of values and available results. pRequests POINTER TO OpcUa_WriteValue The requested values to be written. pResults POINTER TO OpcUa_StatusCode The status codes for each write operaiton.
IOPCUAClientDiscoveryCallback (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IOPCUAClientDiscoveryCallback EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface These callbacks are used to send the results of the different discoery services back to the caller. Methods: FindServersCallback FindServersOnNetworkCallback GetEndpointsCallback Structure: FindServersCallback (Method) FindServersOnNetworkCallback (Method) GetEndpointsCallback (Method)