CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureIoDriverAsync (METH) ¶ METHOD ReconfigureIoDriverAsync : PROC_STATE This method is used by CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureAsync . It calls IoStandard.IoMgrReconfigure . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ReconfigureIoDriverAsync PROC_STATE Input eCmd PROC_CMD eCommand itfSender INode Output eError ERROR Error code
CAA FB Factory Library Documentation ¶ Company CAA Technical Workgroup Title CAA FB Factory Version Categories Intern|CAA|Foundation Namespace FBF Author 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Placeholder CAA FB Factory Description 1 ¶ This library provides a base implementation of an function block factory. For further information about how to use the FactoryBase function block please download FBFactoryTest.projectarchive There you will find a test project which uses a test library that demonsrates the usage of the FactoryBase function block. It is recommended to look at how the exemple programm (PLC_PRG) works by setting a breakpoint and stepping into each action of the program. Do not go online in simulation mode! Moreover the documentation of the FB Factory Test Library (which is already added to the Library Manager in the test project) explains what is done in each part of the library. There is a template for libraries in CODESYS which is called CODESYS Library which assists you building your own FB Factory. Therefore please open a new project and choose the category Libraries and afterwads the template CODESYS Library . In this project the folder Templates contains the subfolder FBFactory with all the important FBs, methods and properties. All relevant function blocks should be copied in the folder with the title Function Blocks in order to be able to modify them. Afterwards change the names of every element to suitable expressions. By clicking on each element with the right mouse button and choosing Properties -> Build you can deactivate Exclude from build Moreover it is advisable to adapt the array abyPoolMemory in the function block TestFBFactory to ones own needs. Make sure that everywhere in TestFBFactory (for exemple in the first line of the method TestFBFactory.Create ) the expression Custom is substituted by the name you chose for these elements. By calling up the method Create it is now possible to dynamically create a FB instance. Contents: ¶ ERROR (Enum) Factory FactoryBase (FunctionBlock) Instance InstanceBase (FunctionBlock) InstanceData (FunctionBlock) Interfaces IData (Interface) IFactory (Interface) IInstance (Interface) Indices and tables ¶ 1 Based on CAA_FBFactory.library, last modified 03.07.2018, 09:54:35. LibDoc The content file CAA_FBFactory.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP13 on 03.07.2018, 09:54:38.
Factory ¶ FactoryBase (FunctionBlock) FB_EXIT (Method) FB_INIT (Method) Private prvInstCount (Property) prvInstInit (Method) prvInstPoolAdr (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstPoolSize (Property) prvInstSize (Property)
FactoryBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FactoryBase IMPLEMENTS IFactory This function block implements the neccecary basic functionality for a function block factory. Memory allocator AllocInstMem FreeInstMem The allocator use the following properies as parameters. InstSize reports the memory consumtion of the related function block instance. InstPoolAdr, InstPoolSize => The instance pool is initialized with a static memory area. InstCout, InstPoolSize => The instance pool is initilaized with a memory area from the heap. InstPoolExtendsFactor => The instance pool can be extended dynamically with memeory areas from the heap. List management for handling the group of produces function block instances. InsertInst RemoveInst Properties: prvInstCount prvInstPoolAdr prvInstPoolExtendsFactor prvInstPoolSize prvInstSize Methods: FB_EXIT FB_INIT prvInstInit Structure: FB_EXIT (Method) FB_INIT (Method) Private prvInstCount (Property) prvInstInit (Method) prvInstPoolAdr (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstPoolSize (Property) prvInstSize (Property)
FactoryBase.FB_EXIT (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_EXIT : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return FB_EXIT BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL
DTR_CONTROL (ENUM) ¶ TYPE DTR_CONTROL : Configuration for DTR control (see parameter udiDtrControl) Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE 0 0 = Disables the DTR line DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE 1 = Enables the DTR line DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE 2 = Enables DTR handshaking
ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ERROR : This data structure describes errors eventually occurring while working with functions of CAA_SerialCom library. Values ranging from 5000 to 5099 have been reserved for these errors within the prefix registration (LibraryRegistry.chm). Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment NO_ERROR 0 no error FIRST_ERROR 5000 first library specific error TIME_OUT 5001 = timeout error ABORT 5002 = abort input active HANDLE_INVALID 5003 = handle invalid ERROR_UNKNOWN 5004 = unknown error WRONG_PARAMETER 5005 = wrong parameter WRITE_INCOMPLETE 5006 = write incomplete FIRST_MF 5050 first manufacture specific error LAST_ERROR 5099 last library specific error
PARITY (ENUM) ¶ TYPE PARITY : Supported parity Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment EVEN 0 0 = even parity ODD 1 = odd parity NONE 2 = no parity
RTS_CONTROL (ENUM) ¶ TYPE RTS_CONTROL : Configuration for RTS control (see parameter udiRtsControl) Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE 0 0 = Disables the RTS line RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE 1 = Enables the RTS line RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE 2 = Enables RTS handshaking RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE 3 = Specifies that the RTS line will be high if bytes are available for transmission. After all buffered bytes have been sent, the RTS line will be low.