CAAReconfigureBase.BeginReconfigure (METH) ¶ METHOD BeginReconfigure BeginReconfigure has to be called before reconfiguring has been started on the current node. Input itfSender has to be set to the originator node of current reconfiguration (see also input itfSender of IReconfigureProvider.ReconfigureAsync ). Note: Each BeginReconfigure must have an CAAReconfigureBase.EndReconfigure call! InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfSender INode itfSender given by IReconfigureProvider.ReconfigureAsync input. If 0 or current node: All enable flags of the current subtree will be updated.
CAAReconfigureBase.EndReconfigure (METH) ¶ METHOD EndReconfigure Each CAAReconfigureBase.BeginReconfigure must have an EndReconfigure call. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfSender INode itfSender given by IReconfigureProvider.ReconfigureAsync input.
IReconfigureProvider ¶ ReconfigureActive (Property) ReconfigureAsync (Method) RegisterIRPChild (Method) SiblingIRP (Property)
CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureActive (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ReconfigureActive : BOOL Base implementation for IReconfigureProvider.ReconfigureActive . Value can be set via CAAReconfigureBase.BeginReconfigure and CAAReconfigureBase.EndReconfigure .
CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureAsync (METH) ¶ METHOD ReconfigureAsync : PROC_STATE This method is a base implementation for I/O driver nodes. The implementation updates all enable flags, calls CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureIoDriverAsync and CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureChildrenAsync . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ReconfigureAsync PROC_STATE Input eCmd PROC_CMD eCommand itfSender INode originator node of current reconfiguration Output eError ERROR Error code
CAAReconfigureBase.RegisterIRPChild (METH) ¶ METHOD RegisterIRPChild : ERROR Base implementation for IReconfigureProvider.RegisterIRPChild . It is used by CAAReconfigureBase.Initialize_Diag to register at the next parent IReconfigureProvider . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RegisterIRPChild ERROR Input itfChild IReconfigureProvider child node
CAAReconfigureBase.SiblingIRP (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY SiblingIRP : IReconfigureProvider Base implementation for IReconfigureProvider.SiblingIRP .
CAAReconfigureBase.Initialize_Diag (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize_Diag : ERROR This method has to be called once. It registers at the next parent IReconfigureProvider . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Initialize_Diag ERROR Input itfNode INode the associated INode (e.g. THIS^ )
Reconfigure Implementations ¶ ReconfigureChildrenAsync (Method) ReconfigureIoDriverAsync (Method)
CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureChildrenAsync (METH) ¶ METHOD ReconfigureChildrenAsync : PROC_STATE This method is used by CAAReconfigureBase.ReconfigureAsync . It delegates the current reconfigure call to all child IReconfigureProvider . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ReconfigureChildrenAsync PROC_STATE Input eCmd PROC_CMD eCommand itfSender INode Output eError ERROR Error code