_Statistics InOut: Scope Name [...] numTime [...] time interval had
ITimeLimited xTimeOut [...] provider. InOut: Scope [...] ITimingControlled xTime
parameters. InOut: Scope [...] Timeout TIME TIME#60m0s0ms The time until the
state. InOut: Scope [...] RequestId UDINT Output udiRetryWaitTime UDINT The time that
ist nicht egal InOut [...] -Names dwTimeStampMS DWORD wTime
quite some time in [...] . For this time, the call is blocking! InOut
SyncService InOut: Scope Name [...] SyncWindowLength UDINT SYNC window udiSyncForewarnTime [...] time in µs
a udiTimeLimit or a udiTimeOut
storage. InOut: Scope [...] timestamp liAbsPacketStartTime [...] absolute start time of
of the database InOut [...] system tMaxWaitTime TIME Roughly the