input variable => no [...] necessary. InOut: Scope
Out: Scope Name Type [...] variable, contains the
.IPv4Address to a variable of [...] IPAddress.CompressedIP ; END_IF InOut: Scope
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _OUTQUEUE This variable points [...] If this variable
input variable d [...] element. InOut: Scope [...] variable contains the
_BACNET_PEROPERTY_CONTENTS variable property [...] Contents. InOut: Scope Name
, string and variable [...] . InOut: Scope Name
Info (); InOut: Scope Name [...] variable Function to be [...] _IdentificationAndDiagnosis_Function.rd_all This variable
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Done BOOL This variable [...] This variable
_BACNET_PEROPERTY_CONTENTS variable property [...] -Type. InOut: Scope