POINT2_LREAL array of [...] integral point \(x \in [...] number of integral
cut off point A of [...] .NUM_ABORTING_PATH_ELEMS-1] OF Aborting [...] movement the end of the
Input iPointCount INT [...] TO ARRAY [0..0] OF VisuStructPoint p
right point of this [...] Size : CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructPoint [...] Size CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructPoint
start point of the [...] point of the [...] path segment of
represented by an array of variables of type SMC_CAMXYVA describing each point of a
suffix of a path [...] of removing the [...] interpolation parameter xCutPoint
suffix of a path [...] of removing the [...] interpolation parameter xCutPoint
coordinates of a point given in respect of [...] translation of the origin