CAN messages x29BitIdMask [...] loopback xTransmitMask [...] transmit mask filter
InfoCollectsToplevelAddressInfo InOut: Scope Name [...] Information SymbolsSetMask DWORD
_only InOut: Scope Name [...] Base DWORD 16#10000 halfMask [...] _MAX_LEGAL_UTF32 DWORD 16#10FFFF byteMask
X device. InOut: Name [...] interrupt mask b
InOut: Name Type [...] FileRecord BIT FALSE Mask
_SetForecast . InOut: Scope Name [...] different axis) dwValueMask
_Template_EdgeAbortTimeout InOut: Scope Name [...] _Template_EdgeAbort udiTimeOut UDINT [...] ReadCaptureConfig BOOL Output bMask
VarsBase.IArrayNotifiable InOut: Scope Name [...] Information SymbolsSetMask DWORD
.IQueryInterface InOut: Scope Name [...] VariableInstance ILeafTreeNode SymbolsSetMask
3_CiA_DSP402_StateMachine InOut: Scope Name [...] using the bit-mask [...] ImmediateDisabling=FALSE. Bit-Mask of