IEC61850_CDC_STV (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK IEC61850_CDC_STV InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_ST BOOL Status actSt tyIEC61850_AT_INS Actual state oldSt tyIEC61850_AT_INS Previous state x_stTm BOOL x_stCt BOOL stTm IEC61850_CDC_TMS Time duration of active status stCt IEC61850_CDC_CTE Number of changes to active status x_CF BOOL Configuration preTmms tyIEC61850_AT_INT32U Pre-trigger time AC_PRE_TRG pstTmms tyIEC61850_AT_INT32U Post-trigger time AC_PST_TRG smpTmms tyIEC61850_AT_INT16U Sample time for data attributes sampled during the Pre- trigger and Post-trigger time AC_TRG datSetMx_REF INT Analogue data related to this status value x_DC BOOL Description d_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste dU_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste x_EX BOOL Extention cdcNs_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste cdcName_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste dataNs_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste
IEC61850_CDC_TMS (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK IEC61850_CDC_TMS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_DataExchange Input x_manRs BOOL x_hisRs BOOL manRs tyIEC61850_AT_SPC Manual forced reset hisRs tyIEC61850_AT_INC1 reset historical information x_CO BOOL x_ST BOOL Status statistical information actTmVal tyIEC61850_AT_INS Actual time duration of state oldTmVal tyIEC61850_AT_INS Previous time duration of state tmTot tyIEC61850_AT_INT32U Total time duration of a state dly ARRAY [0..31] OF tyIEC61850_AT_INT32U Daily counting data mly ARRAY [0..12] OF tyIEC61850_AT_INT32U Monthly counting data yly ARRAY [0..20] OF tyIEC61850_AT_INT32U Yearly counting data tot tyIEC61850_AT_INT32U Total counting data x_CF BOOL Configuration rsPer tyIEC61850_AT_CODED_ENUM Time periodical reset: dly | wly | mly | yly | manual x_DC BOOL Description d_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste dU_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste x_EX BOOL Extention cdcNs_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste cdcName_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste dataNs_REF INT Optionale Referenz auf das String Array in der globalen Liste
IEC61850_MMSGetBlockLen (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IEC61850_MMSGetBlockLen : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Return IEC61850_MMSGetBlockLen DWORD Input pBuffer POINTER TO ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE Inout diIx DINT
Tools ¶ IEC61850_GooseDecodeData (Function) fbIEC61850_Subs_ASN1_CheckData (FunctionBlock) fbIEC61850_Subs_ASN1_Decoder (FunctionBlock) fbIEC61850_Subs_ASN1_Decoder_CheckDataNum (FunctionBlock) fbIEC61850_Subs_ASN1_Decoding_Data (FunctionBlock) funIEC61850_MMSTYPE_TO_STRING (Function) funIEC61850_SubsCheckDataNum (Function) funIEC61850_Subs_Bits_SwapRight (Function) funIEC61850_Subs_InitDatapoint (Function)
fbIEC61850_Subscriber (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK fbIEC61850_Subscriber InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input paObjList POINTER TO ARRAY [0..16#FFFF] OF tyIEC61850_SubsDataPoint wObjNums WORD Nums of Object Output dtLastAction DT Timestamt, last GOOSE Msg received xNewMsg BOOL New GOOSE Msg received wRxCounter WORD Receive counter sStatus STRING(200) Current status text xErrorTimeAllowedToLive BOOL TimeAllowedToLive parameter will be checked, how long the subscriber wait until this flag will be set if connection lost xError BOOL Indicates if an error in a subcribed message detected sGoCBRef tyIEC61850_AT_VisSTRING255 nTimeAllowedToLive tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 sDatSet tyIEC61850_AT_VisSTRING255 t tyIEC61850_AT_TimeStamp nStNum tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 nSqNum tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 xSimulation tyIEC61850_AT_BOOLEAN nConfRev tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 xNdsCom tyIEC61850_AT_BOOLEAN nNumDatSetEntries tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 Methods: NewMsg Structure: NewMsg (Method)
MMS ¶ Handle IEC61850_OpenLocalSocket (Program) Close (Action) IEC61850 Decoding IEC61850_ASN1_DECODING (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_Decoder (FunctionBlock) IEC61850_ASN1_Decoding_Data (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_GetNextTag (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_NewDecoder (FunctionBlock) IEC61850_DecodeNull (Function) IEC61850_String_Split (Function) IEC61850 Encoding ASN1 IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingBlock (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingSize (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingSpecific (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingStruct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array_Count (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ComponentSingle (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_DirectoryNames (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfData (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfData_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfVariable (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Value (Function) IEC61850_SWAP_2_BYTE (Function) IEC61850_SWAP_3_BYTE (Function) IEC61850_SWAP_4_BYTE (Function) IEC61850_GetReportLen (Function) IEC61850_MMS_Data_InterpreterFB (FunctionBlock) DefineNamedVarList (Action) DeleteNamedVarList (Action) GetCapabilityList (Action) GetDomainAttributes (Action) GetNameList (Action) GetNamedVarListAttr (Action) GetVarAccAttr (Action) Identify (Action) InformationReport (Action) Read (Action) Status (Action) Write (Action) _CallLogicalDevice (Action) IEC61850_MMS_ErrorPDU (Function) IEC61850_MMS_InterpreterFB (FunctionBlock) PDUConclude (Action) PDUConfirmed (Action) PDUInitiate (Action) PDUReject (Action) PDUUnconfirmed (Action)
Handle ¶ IEC61850_OpenLocalSocket (Program) Close (Action)
IEC61850 Decoding ¶ IEC61850_ASN1_DECODING (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_Decoder (FunctionBlock) IEC61850_ASN1_Decoding_Data (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_GetNextTag (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_NewDecoder (FunctionBlock) IEC61850_DecodeNull (Function) IEC61850_String_Split (Function)
IEC61850 Encoding ¶ ASN1 IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingBlock (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingSize (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingSpecific (Function) IEC61850_ASN1_EncodingStruct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array_Count (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Array_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ComponentSingle (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Component_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_DirectoryNames (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfData (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfData_Struct (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_ListOfVariable (Function) IEC61850_Encoding_Value (Function) IEC61850_SWAP_2_BYTE (Function) IEC61850_SWAP_3_BYTE (Function) IEC61850_SWAP_4_BYTE (Function)
IEC61850_GetReportLen (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IEC61850_GetReportLen : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Return IEC61850_GetReportLen DWORD Input ptyDataPoint_DSName POINTER TO tyIEC61850_DataPoint ptyDataPoint_RptID POINTER TO tyIEC61850_DataPoint OptFlds tyIEC61850_AT_INT16U 16#3FE Packed list 16#80FF; nNumsOfDataSetEntries INT