IDriverRequestReusable (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDriverRequestReusable EXTENDS IDriverRequest Implementations of this interface represent requests that can be used several times and can be used for both reading or writing. Properties: NextOperation Structure: NextOperation (Property)
IDriverRequestReusable.NextOperation (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY NextOperation : ReusableRequestOperations Gets or sets the operation that will be executed when the request is sent the next time.
IDriverSpecificData (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDriverSpecificData EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface A derived interface of this one can be used by drivers to attach information to instances of IDataItemBase Methods: Release Structure: Release (Method)
IDriverSpecificData.Release (METH) ¶ METHOD Release This method will be called when the underlying object should be released. It’s the implementation’s responsibility to release memory correctly etc.
IDriverSpecifiedSettings (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDriverSpecifiedSettings This interface can optionally be implemented by IDriver too. Methods: ReconnectWaitTime TimeoutSyncShutdown Structure: ReconnectWaitTime (Method) TimeoutSyncShutdown (Method)
IDriverSpecifiedSettings.ReconnectWaitTime (METH) ¶ METHOD ReconnectWaitTime : TIME InOut: Scope Name Type Return ReconnectWaitTime TIME Output xUseDefault BOOL
IDriverSpecifiedSettings.TimeoutSyncShutdown (METH) ¶ METHOD TimeoutSyncShutdown : TIME InOut: Scope Name Type Return TimeoutSyncShutdown TIME Output xUseDefault BOOL
IDriverSpecifiedSettingsReadOnChange (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDriverSpecifiedSettingsReadOnChange This interface can optionally be implemented by IDriver too. The interface should be implemented by an IDriver when the according implementation does not do cyclic updates of variables but instead executes read requests only triggered by changes of according variables on the connected device. Properties: ReadOnChangeOnly Structure: ReadOnChangeOnly (Property)
IDriverSpecifiedSettingsReadOnChange.ReadOnChangeOnly (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ReadOnChangeOnly : BOOL Return TRUE when the according implementation does not do cyclic updates of variables but instead executes read requests only triggered by changes of according variables on the connected device. Note This value is not intended to change without a new download.
IDriverStateMachine (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDriverStateMachine EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Properties: ShutdownAfterError Methods: Connecting PollRequestResult ResetAfterError SendRequest ShuttingDown StartConnect StartShutdown Structure: Connecting (Method) PollRequestResult (Method) ResetAfterError (Method) SendRequest (Method) ShutdownAfterError (Property) ShuttingDown (Method) StartConnect (Method) StartShutdown (Method)