Errors (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant ERR_DS_UNKNOWN UDINT 16#2000 Range for DataSources Errors 16#2000 until 16#20FF (the same range than for the former DataServer and the same code values) ERR_DS_UNKNOWN_GROUP UDINT 16#2001 ERR_DS_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL UDINT 16#2002 ERR_DS_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION UDINT 16#2003 ERR_DS_INVALID_STATE UDINT 16#2004 ERR_DS_INVALID_PATH UDINT 16#2005 ERR_DS_SOURCENOTFOUND UDINT 16#2006 ERR_DS_ITEMNOTFOUND UDINT 16#2007 ERR_DS_MULTITASKING_LOCKED UDINT 16#2008 ERR_DS_TIMEOUT UDINT 16#2009 ERR_DS_BADITEMS UDINT 16#200A ERR_DS_ITEMNOTACTIVE UDINT 16#200B The searched item has been found but it is currently deactivated ERR_DS_RETRYLOGIN UDINT 16#200C ERR_DS_READONLY_ITEM UDINT 16#200D There is a readonly item which is not supported for the current operation. ERR_DS_DATASOURCE_INDEX_MISMATCH UDINT 16#200E There is a mismatch of a given datasource index and the one implied by the requested symbol ERR_DSD_IDENTITY_MISMATCH UDINT 16#2100 Range for DataSourceDriver Errors 16#2100 until 16#21FF (the same range than for the former DataServer and the same code values) ERR_DSD_LOGINFAILED UDINT 16#2101 login to the connected plc etc. failed due to invalid credentials ERR_DSD_LOGINNECESSARY UDINT 16#2102 a login to the connected plc is necessary (ie. device login with credentials) but has not been done ERR_DSD_BUSY UDINT 16#2103 The driver is currently busy executing a different request. ERR_DSD_NOTREACHABLE UDINT 16#2104 The requested device cannot be reached by the communication ERR_DSD_DUPLICATE UDINT 16#2105 The name of the requested device is ambigous ERR_DSD_NOSYMBOLS UDINT 16#2106 The device does not provide necessary symbolic information for accessing data ERR_DSD_CONNECTIONLOST UDINT 16#2107 A formerly available connection was lost ERR_DSD_CONNECTIONDENIED UDINT 16#2108 A connection was denied by the device; not nearer specified ERR_DSD_CONNECTIONDENIED_SRVRESOURCES UDINT 16#2109 A connection was denied by the device; not enough resources on the connected PLC ERR_DSD_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH UDINT 16#210A The communication protocol is not supported by the device ERR_DSD_LOGIN_NOTPOSSIBLE UDINT 16#210B It’s not possible to setup a connection because a login cannot be executed; reason are eg. no crypt algorithms supported by client and server ERR_DSI_FAILED UDINT 16#2200 Range for item error code 16#2200 up to 16#23ff; the codes in the range 16#23XX will can be used for protocol specific error codes ERR_DSI_MISSING_GETACCESSOR UDINT 16#2201 ERR_DSI_MISSING_SETACCESSOR UDINT 16#2202 ERR_DSI_UNEXPECTED_ADDRESSINFO UDINT 16#2203 ERR_DSI_COMMBUFFEROVERRUN UDINT 16#2204 ERR_DSI_TOOMANYITEMS UDINT 16#2205 ERR_DSI_DATAMISSING UDINT 16#2206 ERR_DSI_ITEMNOTFOUND UDINT 16#2207 The item is not or no longer available on the connected device ERR_DSI_CONNECTIONLOST UDINT 16#2208 The connection to the device was lost ERR_DSI_PROTOCOLSPECIFIC_ERROR_RANGESTART UDINT 16#2300 ERR_DSI_PROTOCOLSPECIFIC_ERROR_RANGEEND UDINT 16#23FF
ICDSV3Request (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICDSV3Request EXTENDS ICustomRequest Properties: ContentData ContentSize Service ServiceGroup Methods: SetContentData Structure: ContentData (Property) ContentSize (Property) Service (Property) ServiceGroup (Property) SetContentData (Method)
ICDSV3Request.ContentData (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ContentData : POINTER TO BYTE
ICDSV3Request.ContentSize (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ContentSize : __UXINT
ICDSV3Request.Service (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Service : UINT
ICDSV3Request.ServiceGroup (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ServiceGroup : UINT
ICDSV3Request.SetContentData (METH) ¶ METHOD SetContentData : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Assigns the content of the CODESYS V3 Service that should be sent InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SetContentData SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT An error code representing the result of this operation. Input pData POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the data that should be sent by the service Note This data does not include the header part so only the service content must be used here. Important Please remark that this buffer must be valid until the response is received, ie. ICustomRequestCallback.RequestFinished is called for the current request uxiSize __UXINT The size of the data
ICDSV3RequestHandling (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICDSV3RequestHandling EXTENDS ICustomRequestHandling Properties: TargetByteorder Methods: CreateCDSV3Request ReleaseRequest , inherited from ICustomRequestHandling Structure: CreateCDSV3Request (Method) TargetByteorder (Property)
IDriverRequestFactoryReusable.CreateReusableRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD CreateReusableRequest : IDriverRequestReusable Creates a request representing a read or write operation for the given list of items. The request may stay alive until it is released. From the driver’s point of view the request can live as long as the connection to the connected device is alive. For the user of this request, this means that it might be issued in several calls to IDriverStateMachine.SendRequest When the request is no longer necessary, it will be released by a call to IDriverRequestFactory.ReleaseRequest InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CreateReusableRequest IDriverRequestReusable A new request object representing the read or write operation for the given list of items. Input pItems POINTER TO IDataItem A pointer to an array of IDataItem instances that should be written. itemsCount DINT The number of items within the array.
IDriverRequestFactoryReusable.ReusableRequestsSupported (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ReusableRequestsSupported : BOOL This property returns whether reusable requests are supported. Note If a driver in general supports those requests but not using the current device for example, then this property can return FALSE.