CustomRequestResponse.ContentSize (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ContentSize : __UXINT Returns the size of the data pointer to by |ICustomResponse.|
CustomRequestResponse.RawData (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY RawData : POINTER TO BYTE Returns a pointer to the complete response, ie. including the according header information
CustomRequestResponse.RawSize (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY RawSize : __UXINT
IDriverCustomRequest ¶ Request (Property) Response (Property)
CustomRequestResponse.Request (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Request : IDatasources.ICustomRequest
CustomRequestResponse.Response (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Response : IDatasources.ICustomResponse
IRequest ¶ Poll (Method) Release (Method) Send (Method)
CustomRequestResponse.Poll (METH) ¶ METHOD Poll : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT disable SP9 warning as the behaviour was never different for this library InOut: Scope Name Type Return Poll SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Inout asyncPlcHandler AsyncWrapper
CustomRequestResponse.Release (METH) ¶ METHOD Release InOut: Scope Name Type Inout asyncPlcHandler AsyncWrapper Input hPlcHandler SysTypes.RTS_IEC_HANDLE
DataSources_PRG (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM DataSources_PRG InOut: Scope Name Type Input ptaskinfo POINTER TO DWORD papplicationinfo POINTER TO _IMPLICIT_APPLICATION_INFO