IDataServer5.StartRecordMode (METH) ¶ METHOD StartRecordMode : UDINT Clients of the dataserver can call this method to start recording the following actions (UseData, ReleaseData). In between calls to this method and the according call to <see>GetRecordResult</see> no real action will be done. Instead the action will only be recorded. The result can be retrieved using <see>GetRecordResult</see>. InOut: Scope Name Type Return StartRecordMode UDINT
IDataServer5.StartTempShutdown (METH) ¶ METHOD StartTempShutdown : UDINT This method can be used for temporarily shutting down a dataserver connection. Due to the reason that this shutdown might take some cycles, the user of this method should wait until the operation is finished. This can be determined using the callback <see>cbShutdownDone</see>. Calls to this method must be protected by calling BeginDataConfiguration/EndDataConfiguration around this call. To resume the normal operation of the datasource call the method <see>ResumeAfterTempShutdown</see>. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return StartTempShutdown UDINT Input pstDataSource POINTER TO STRING The name of the datasource, must not be NULL cbShutdownDone ICallback An optional callback that will be triggered when the shutdown is finished. The callback parameter will be a pointer to a <see>ITempShutdownResult</see>. Please remember that the callback might be called from a different task then the call to <see>StartTempShutdown</see>. Please remember that the given object must live at least until the callback is called. Don’t pass a function local variable for this parameter!
IDataServer6 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataServer6 EXTENDS IDataServer5 Enhancement of interface IDataServer5 for retrieving alarm from the alarm storage Properties: Flags , inherited from IDataServer5 InstancePathPrefix , inherited from IDataServer2 Methods: GetAddress IsSwappingNeeded ProcessDataServerRequest AllItemsOk , inherited from IDataServer BeginDataConfiguration , inherited from IDataServer CreateItemList , inherited from IDataServer4 DeleteItemList , inherited from IDataServer4 DeleteRecord , inherited from IDataServer5 EndDataConfiguration , inherited from IDataServer GetInterface , inherited from IDataServer2 GetItemInfo , inherited from IDataServer GetRecordResult , inherited from IDataServer5 ReadItems , inherited from IDataServer4 ReleaseData , inherited from IDataServer ReplayRecord , inherited from IDataServer5 ResolveSymbol , inherited from IDataServer3 ResumeAfterTempShutdown , inherited from IDataServer5 SetCredentialsProvider , inherited from IDataServer2 StartRecordMode , inherited from IDataServer5 StartTempShutdown , inherited from IDataServer5 UseData , inherited from IDataServer WriteItems , inherited from IDataServer4 Structure: GetAddress (Method) IsSwappingNeeded (Method) ProcessDataServerRequest (Method)
IDataServer6.GetAddress (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAddress : UDINT Determines the address info of an item. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetAddress UDINT Input pstSymbol POINTER TO STRING The fully qualified path to the item, e.g. ‘Remote_Device.Application.PLC_PRG.iSchlurpsknurps’ Output address PlcAddressInfoUnion
IDataSourceDriver.StartShutdown (METH) ¶ METHOD StartShutdown : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return StartShutdown UDINT
IDataSourceDriver.State (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY State : DataSourceState
IDataSourceDriver.UpdateRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD UpdateRequest : UDINT This method will be called after a request has been sent to check, whether an answer has arrived. As long as the driver is waiting for a reply, it can return ERR_FAILED. If there was a successful reply it may return ERR_OK, else an Error code describing the error. When ERR_DS_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION is returned, the server assumes that the transaction is finished and will send new requests. InOut: Scope Name Type Return UpdateRequest UDINT Input pItems POINTER TO ARRAY [0..100] OF IDataItem iItemCount UDINT dwListId DWORD dwTransactionId DWORD
IDataSourceDriver.WriteRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteRequest : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return WriteRequest UDINT Input pItems POINTER TO ARRAY [0..100] OF IDataItem iItemCount UDINT dwListId DWORD Output dwTransactionId DWORD
IDataSourceDriver2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDataSourceDriver2 EXTENDS IDataSourceDriver Properties: LastError , inherited from IDataSourceDriver State , inherited from IDataSourceDriver Methods: ShutdownFinished Connecting , inherited from IDataSourceDriver GetRequestResult , inherited from IDataSourceDriver GetSetting , inherited from IDataSourceDriver Initialize , inherited from IDataSourceDriver ReadRequest , inherited from IDataSourceDriver Reset , inherited from IDataSourceDriver ShuttingDown , inherited from IDataSourceDriver StartConnect , inherited from IDataSourceDriver StartShutdown , inherited from IDataSourceDriver UpdateRequest , inherited from IDataSourceDriver WriteRequest , inherited from IDataSourceDriver Structure: ShutdownFinished (Method)
IDataSourceDriver2.ShutdownFinished (METH) ¶ METHOD ShutdownFinished : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return ShutdownFinished UDINT Input dwFlags DWORD