IGeneric (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IGeneric In fact this interface defines an equivalent mechanism Methods: GetInterface Structure: GetInterface (Method)
IGeneric.GetInterface (METH) ¶ METHOD GetInterface : POINTER TO BYTE Optionally returns an interface with the given id when it is implemented by the impelementing function block. The return value will be pointer to the requested interface InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetInterface POINTER TO BYTE Input dwItfId DWORD
IProvidesConcreteType (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IProvidesConcreteType EXTENDS IGeneric -> IGeneric Properties: ImplementingTypeId Instance Methods: GetInterface , inherited from IGeneric Structure: ImplementingTypeId (Property) Instance (Property)
IProvidesConcreteType.ImplementingTypeId (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ImplementingTypeId : UDINT
ITempShutdownResult (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITempShutdownResult EXTENDS IGeneric -> IGeneric Properties: DataSourceName Result Methods: GetInterface , inherited from IGeneric Structure: DataSourceName (Property) Result (Property)
IProvidesConcreteType.Instance (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Instance : POINTER TO BYTE This property returns a pointer to the function block instance implementing this interface
ITempShutdownResult.DataSourceName (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY DataSourceName : STRING
ITempShutdownResult.Result (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Result : UDINT
InterfaceIds (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant ITFID_IGeneric DWORD 0 ITFID_IDataServer DWORD 1 ITFID_IDataServer2 DWORD 2 ITFID_ICredentialsProvider DWORD 3 ITFID_IDataSourceDriver DWORD 4 ITFID_IDataSourceDriver2 DWORD 5 ITFID_IDataSourceDriver3 DWORD 6 ITFID_IDataServer3 DWORD 7 ITFID_IDataServer4 DWORD 8 ITFID_ICallback DWORD 9 ITFID_IDataItemList DWORD 10 ITFID_IProvidesConcreteType DWORD 11 ITFID_IDataSourceDriver4 DWORD 12 ITFID_IDataServer5 DWORD 13 ITFID_ITempShutdownResult DWORD 14 ITFID_IDataServerActionRecord DWORD 15 ITFID_IDataSourceDriver5 DWORD 16 ITFID_IDataServer6 DWORD 17
PlcAddressInfoUnion (UNION) ¶ TYPE PlcAddressInfoUnion : UNION InOut: Name Type Comment Common PlcAddressInfo can be used for checking the type Absolute PlcAbsoluteAddressInfo if type == absolute PropByCall PlcPropertyByCallAddressInfo if type == propbycall