timestamp of the 1st [...] start time of the 1st [...] , only if this
DataValid BOOL If the data are valid st [...] stPort STRING Port
4 information within stIPv4 stIPv4 STRING The [...] ; valid only if x
according value if found [...] stStyleKey STRING [...] default value to use if
DeviceType UDINT checked only if [...] checked only if search [...] DeviceVersion UDINT checked only if
-empty string if the [...] datasource. If more than [...] returns the 1st unknown
-empty string if the [...] datasource. If more than [...] returns the 1st unknown
according value if found [...] Input st [...] value to use if the
according value if found [...] Input st [...] value to use if the
according value if found [...] stStyleKey STRING [...] to use if the