Value DWORD The value to [...] Assert_DWord [...] Assert_DWord
Data DWORD The data to be [...] ETC_CO_SdoWriteDWord [...] _BLOCK ETC_CO_SdoWriteDWord
IEC61850_ReadDWord (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IEC61850_ReadDWord : DWORD InOut: Scope
UtilReadMisalignedDWord [...] UtilReadMisalignedDWord : DWORD InOut: Scope
GetParamDWord (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetParamDWord [...] Return GetParamDWord
IServiceWriter.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] given double word to
ServiceWriter.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] given double word to
ServiceWriter2.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] given double word to
TaggedServiceWriter.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteDWord [...] given double word to
Input DWORD DWORD to [...] ReverseBYTEsInDWORD [...] ReverseBYTEsInDWORD