param transform 0 f0_1 [...] derivative at x=l for [...] deltaf_1 LREAL The
domain (length l). The [...] derivative at x=0 and x=1 [...] function value at x=0 f1
and x=1. Returns [...] param transform 0 f0_1 [...] derivative at x=l for
domain (length l). The [...] derivative at x=0 and x=1 [...] function value at x=0 f1
(STR1, STR2, L, P) means: Replace L [...] a part of STR1 L
second element Input l1 [...] _AdaptHelpMarks SMC_ERROR Inout gi1 [...] element l2Orig LREAL
intersection, a line l , of the planes h0 and h1 . Fails if h0 and h1
H Placeholder CAA CanL2 Description 1 ¶ Hardware [...] tables ¶ 1 Based on
MonoPoly_CreateL [...] MonoPoly_CreateL [...] (length l). The second
* (1-f((1-x)/L)) if [...] derivative 0 to 1 or vice [...] on a function f [0,1