SchedGetTaskEventByHandle (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetTaskEventByHandle : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description> Function returns the handle to the task event. With this event a task can be activaed externally, e.g. for external triggered event tasks. The event can be sent by SysEventSet(EventHandle); </description> <param name=”hSchedTask” type=”IN”>Scheduler task handle</param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Event handle. Can be used with SysEventSet(hEvent) of the SysEvent.library to wakeup the task</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetTaskEventByHandle RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input hSchedTask RTS_IEC_HANDLE pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetTaskHandleByIndex (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetTaskHandleByIndex : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description> Function returns the task handle of a task specified by an index. </description> <param name=”pApp” type=”IN”>If an application is specified, only the task of this application is returned. If NULL, the task with the index in all tasks i returned. </param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Handle to the task</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetTaskHandleByIndex RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input pApp POINTER TO APPLICATION nIndex DINT pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetTaskHandleByName (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetTaskHandleByName : RTS_IEC_HANDLE <description> Function returns the handle to the task specified by name. </description> <param name=”pszTaskName” type=”IN”>Task name</param> <param name=”pResult” type=”OUT”>ERR_OK or Error code</param> <result>Scheduler task handle</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetTaskHandleByName RTS_IEC_HANDLE Inout Const pszTaskName STRING Input pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT
SchedGetTaskInterval (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedGetTaskInterval : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> Get the actual interval of a cyclic task. If the specified task is no cyclic task, the function return an error. </description> <param name=”hSchedTask” type=”IN”>Handle to the task</param> <param name=”ptInterval” type=”OUT”>Interval of the task in microseconds!</param> <result>error code</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedGetTaskInterval RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hSchedTask RTS_IEC_HANDLE Inout pulInterval UDINT
SchedPostExternalEvent (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SchedPostExternalEvent : RTS_IEC_RESULT <description> <p>Execute all tasks, that are registered for the given event. The execution context may vary depending on the scheduler type. It might be executed synchronously in the context of the caller, or a system task (e.g. ontop of an OS) is just signaled to execute the task code.</p> <p>Note, that the result ERR_NO_OBJECT might not be a real error. Depending on the system it might be OK, that no task was registered for this event.</p> </description> <param name=”hExtEvent” type=”IN”>Handle to the external event, which tasks should be signaled</param> <errorcode name=”RTS_IEC_RESULT” type=”ERR_OK”>Event was signaled successfully</errorcode> <errorcode name=”RTS_IEC_RESULT” type=”ERR_PARAMETER”>The event handle was not found</errorcode> <errorcode name=”RTS_IEC_RESULT” type=”ERR_NO_OBJECT”>There was no task, registered on this event</errorcode> <result>Error Code</result> InOut: Scope Name Type Return SchedPostExternalEvent RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hExtEvent RTS_IEC_HANDLE
RTR_NodeAddress (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE RTR_NodeAddress : STRUCT InOut: Name Type nAddrComponentCount UDINT AddrComponents ARRAY [0..14] OF RTR_AddrComponent
RTR_AddrComponent (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE RTR_AddrComponent : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Component ARRAY [0..1] OF BYTE
RouterGetHostAddress (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION RouterGetHostAddress : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return RouterGetHostAddress RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hRouter RTS_IEC_HANDLE Inout resAddr RTR_NodeAddress
RouterGetInstanceByName (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION RouterGetInstanceByName : RTS_IEC_HANDLE InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RouterGetInstanceByName RTS_IEC_HANDLE Input pstName POINTER TO STRING NULL will return the default router pResult POINTER TO RTS_IEC_RESULT Optional, will return an error code if not NULL
RouterGetName (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION RouterGetName : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return RouterGetName RTS_IEC_RESULT Input hRouter RTS_IEC_HANDLE pBuffer POINTER TO BYTE nBufferSize INT