OpcUa_ServerOnNetwork (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_ServerOnNetwork : STRUCT InOut: Name Type RecordId OpcUa_UInt32 ServerName OpcUa_String DiscoveryUrl OpcUa_String NoOfServerCapabilities OpcUa_Int32 ServerCapabilities POINTER TO OpcUa_String
OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType : STRUCT InOut: Name Type StartTime OpcUa_DateTime CurrentTime OpcUa_DateTime State OpcUa_ServerState BuildInfo OpcUa_BuildInfo SecondsTillShutdown OpcUa_UInt32 ShutdownReason OpcUa_LocalizedText
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType : STRUCT InOut: Name Type TotalCount OpcUa_UInt32 ErrorCount OpcUa_UInt32
OpcUa_VariantUnion (UNION) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_VariantUnion : UNION InOut: Name Type Comment Boolean OpcUa_Boolean SByte OpcUa_SByte Byte_cds OpcUa_Byte Int16 OpcUa_Int16 UInt16 OpcUa_UInt16 Int32 OpcUa_Int32 UInt32 OpcUa_UInt32 Int64 OpcUa_Int64 UInt64 OpcUa_UInt64 Float OpcUa_Float Double OpcUa_Double DateTime OpcUa_DateTime String_cds OpcUa_String Guid POINTER TO OpcUa_Guid ByteString OpcUa_ByteString XmlElement OpcUa_ByteString NodeId POINTER TO OpcUa_NodeId ExpandedNodeId POINTER TO OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId StatusCode OpcUa_StatusCode QualifiedName POINTER TO OpcUa_QualifiedName LocalizedText POINTER TO OpcUa_LocalizedText ExtensionObject POINTER TO OpcUa_ExtensionObject DataValue POINTER TO BYTE The POINTER TO OpcUa_DataValue is replaced by POINTER TO BYTE to generate valid signature. Use this member as POINTER TO OpcUa_DataValue Array_cds OpcUa_VariantArrayValue Matrix OpcUa_VariantMatrixValue
OpcUa_ViewAttributes (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_ViewAttributes : STRUCT InOut: Name Type SpecifiedAttributes OpcUa_UInt32 DisplayName OpcUa_LocalizedText Description OpcUa_LocalizedText WriteMask OpcUa_UInt32 UserWriteMask OpcUa_UInt32 ContainsNoLoops OpcUa_Boolean EventNotifier OpcUa_Byte
OpcUa_ViewDescription (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_ViewDescription : STRUCT InOut: Name Type ViewId OpcUa_NodeId Timestamp OpcUa_DateTime ViewVersion OpcUa_UInt32
OpcUa_WriteRequest (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_WriteRequest : STRUCT InOut: Name Type RequestHeader OpcUa_RequestHeader NoOfNodesToWrite OpcUa_Int32 NodesToWrite POINTER TO OpcUa_WriteValue
OpcUa_WriteResponse (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_WriteResponse : STRUCT InOut: Name Type ResponseHeader OpcUa_ResponseHeader NoOfResults OpcUa_Int32 Results POINTER TO OpcUa_StatusCode NoOfDiagnosticInfos OpcUa_Int32 DiagnosticInfos POINTER TO OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo
OpcUa_WriteValue (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_WriteValue : STRUCT InOut: Name Type NodeId OpcUa_NodeId AttributeId OpcUa_UInt32 IndexRange OpcUa_String Value OpcUa_DataValue
OpcUa_X509IdentityToken (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE OpcUa_X509IdentityToken : STRUCT InOut: Name Type PolicyId OpcUa_String CertificateData OpcUa_ByteString