Eigenschaften (Status) t tyIEC61850_AT_Time [...] IEC61850_AT_UINT32 frequency REAL hvRef ty
time to wait on the [...] , leading to a wait for a given time between
due to wrong [...] with a call to Get [...] to it’s error
state ActivationTime TIME The time stamp [...] Added in to
application has to instantiate it to allow a [...] IpAddress STRING Data to set
: TIME_OF_DAY This [...] , minute and second to [...] format TIME
the first time, the start time of the packet is set to the
the time has to be [...] its behaviour to [...] order to set a
function has to be [...] PacketConfiguration POINTER TO TracePacketConfiguration Points to a Trace
HeartbeatConsumerSettings Helps to decode the [...] ). If uiHeartbeatTime [...] Output uiHeartbeatTime