IStorage.StorageClear (METH) ¶ METHOD StorageClear : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return StorageClear ERROR
IStorage.StorageClose (METH) ¶ METHOD StorageClose : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return StorageClose ERROR
IStorage.StorageEncoding (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY StorageEncoding : ENCODING
IStorage.StorageGetMetrics (METH) ¶ METHOD StorageGetMetrics : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return StorageGetMetrics ERROR Inout mMetrics METRICS
ServiceReader.ValidTag (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ValidTag : BOOL
ServiceRequest (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK ServiceRequest EXTENDS ServiceRequestBase Properties: Writer ContentPtr , inherited from ServiceRequestBase Data , inherited from ServiceRequestBase DataValid , inherited from ServiceRequestBase HaveToSwap , inherited from ServiceRequestBase Header , inherited from ServiceRequestBase Methods: Create FB_Exit RestoreSavepoint StoreSavepoint DoFinish Finish , inherited from ServiceRequestBase Structure: Create (Method) FB_Exit (Method) RestoreSavepoint (Method) StoreSavepoint (Method) Writer (Property) override DoFinish (Method)
ServiceRequest.Create (METH) ¶ METHOD Create : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return Create UDINT Input targetByteOrder IDatasources.ByteOrder uiServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT udiDevSessId UDINT if known, otherwise 0 pBuffer POINTER TO BYTE the buffer where the data of the service is to be written remark Depending on the way this service is sent, there might be the requirement that the content is not changed until the answer or an error is returned! udiBufferSize UDINT the size of the buffer pointed to by pBuffer
ServiceRequest.FB_Exit (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_Exit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return FB_Exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL
ServiceRequest.RestoreSavepoint (METH) ¶ METHOD RestoreSavepoint : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return RestoreSavepoint UDINT
ServiceRequest.StoreSavepoint (METH) ¶ METHOD StoreSavepoint : UDINT This method can be called more than once, there will be only one effective savepoint! InOut: Scope Name Type Return StoreSavepoint UDINT