Name Type Comment Input iFunction INT An int describing
) ¶ FUNCTION StrCmpW : INT [...] Out: Scope Name Type Return StrCmpW INT
) ¶ FUNCTION StrCmpA : INT [...] Out: Scope Name Type Return StrCmpA INT
_CompleteNodeInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE NSC [...] Type address NSC_NodeAddress info NSC_NodeInfoInt
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Function INT An int [...] sqlite iAction INT An
Out: Scope Name Type [...] WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value INT The angle of
Out: Scope Name Type [...] WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value INT The brightness
Type Return Offset [...] Points INT pPoints POINTER
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Point BOOL Input iRow INT
Name Type Return Set [...] Width INT iHeight INT