) | ILConC (ITF) | ILConTlC
coordinates (X,Y,Z,A,B,C [...] .AXISPOS_REF Axis coordinates c
degree dOffsetC LREAL [...] C in degree d [...] degree dC LREAL
SoftMotion units dOffsetC [...] offset of axis C in [...] axis B in degree dC
SMC_DriveType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_DriveType : InOut: Name SMC_PARKER_C
_Peer EXTENDS LConC [...] operation LConC Output x [...] : Operation is running LConC
points rf.c: rf(fc:= f(rf.c)) ; Note: the [...] point c. Only
system C and the base [...] F from C to B [...] expressed in C and F(v