types. BACnetDateTime [...] RangeFromContents (Function) GetDateTime [...] Range (Function) FromBACnetDateTime
Timestamp LINT Output timeDate [...] containing the date and [...] (UTC value) and
date and time [...] Const itfDateTime [...] Provider Globals.g_dtpDateTime
- and daylight-saving-time (also known as summer- and wintertime
Comment lDateAndTime DT Time and date is an [...] field not valid xNoDate
Utilities ¶ UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime (Method) Utility
date and time, by [...] Date and time [...] DT Preset date and
Convert the IEC DATE_AND_TIME [...] _VAR data.lDateAndTime := DATE_AND_TIME#1996
Verifier.CertNotAfter (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY CertNotAfter : DATE_AND_TIME
Verifier.CertNotBefore (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY CertNotBefore : DATE_AND_TIME