master 1: first ETC [...] response Bit 0: reserved Bit 1: reserved Bit
sequence of the first 5 [...] ProtType DWORD dwInputBitSize DWORD dwOutputBit
(Property) First [...] NodeCount (Property) IStack GetBusScan [...] (Property) First
(Property) First [...] NodeCount (Property) IStack GetBusScan
NodeCount Connector Enable First [...] BusErrorAsync GetBusInfo GetBusScan [...] (Property) First
(Property) First [...] (Interface) GetBusScan
scan will succeed in [...] scan is used while [...] . SearchForFirstMatch 16
ControllerDiag (FunctionBlock) GetBusScan [...] (Property) First [...] (Property) First
(Property) First [...] BusInfo (Method) GetBusScan [...] (Property) First
_GEOINFO . wAddAxis WORD Bit [...] X: Bit 0 Y: Bit 1 Z: Bit 2 A: Bit 3