POINTER TO BYTE bit [...] GetBitValue (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetBit
POINTER TO BYTE bit [...] SetBitValue (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SetBit
ProfinetByteData.GetBit (METH) ¶ METHOD GetBit [...] Offset UDINT BitOffset BYTE
byBit BYTE (0..7) bit number to read [...] MCP23S17_FB.writeBit
ProfinetByteData.PutBit [...] ByteOffset UDINT BitOffset BYTE Range: 0 to 7
Value ARRAY [0..7] OF UINT byInputsA BYTE byInputsB BYTE _by
Dest POINTER TO BYTE wDstStartBit [...] TO BYTE wSrcStartBit [...] BitCpy (FUN
a pointer to this [...] members use the bit [...] Identifier bit. Use
ValuePtr : POINTER TO BYTE In [...] ValuePtr POINTER TO BYTE [...] AssignerBase.GetBit
contained “byLowByte” and “byHighByte” and the 16 bits “xBit