CAT distributed clock (DC) system time. Note Only [...] be in the range DcClock
User.svg Embedded AlarmClock AlarmClock [...] Clock Clock
Clock synchronization [...] synchronized to the system [...] distribute the system time
Only: True System [...] Clock Extern [...] Real Time Clock
clock is enabled and [...] system. InOut: Scope
. CmpIecVarAccess [...] : CmpIecVarAccess [...] Resolution: CmpIecVarAccess
, * (System) Namespace: IecVarAccess [...] Company: System [...] SystemLibrary: False
Interfaces, * (System) CmpIecVarAccess [...] Interfaces, * (System) IecVarAccess [...] Company: System
Interfaces, * (System) IecVarAccess [...] Company: System [...] SystemLibrary: False
Errors2 Interfaces, * (System) CmpIecVarAccess [...] , * (System) Namespace: CmpIecVarAccess [...] 3 Interfaces, * (System) IecVarAccess