alarm generator to [...] calltype UINT The module
language according to [...] ErrorNumber UINT s
Dimensions POINTER TO OpcUa_UInt
Path POINTER TO OpcUa_QualifiedName AttributeId OpcUa_UInt
Data POINTER TO BYTE dw [...] uiHeaderTag UINT
Var __XWORD Points to the [...] FbXYChartGenericVariable GetValueREAL [...] FbXYChartGenericVariable SetValueREAL
EtherNetIPAdapter POINTER TO Io [...] ConnectedModules UINT Number of [...] EstablishedClass1Connections UINT Number of
to set specific [...] ) (recommended to set in the [...] EncapsulationTimeout : UINT ; dw
to an IService [...] , where the data has to be written to ui
to an IService [...] , where the data has to be written to ui