BOOL2 , PV := VarWORD [...] .Q ; VarWORD2 := CTDInst [...] to the start value
ID to specify for [...] _CmpTargetVisu_WindowCreated WORD 16#1 IDs for [...] _CmpTargetVisu_WindowCreated WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID
LoWORD the bit to [...] log entry to the [...] _IEC_HANDLE Handle to the logger
_FbSequentialMemReader bData WORD wData WORD dwData DWORD pValue POINTER TO BYTE Output
Type wSize WORD wSizeLinkPath WORD xAbortOnErrror BOOL xJumpTo
_IEC61850_MAX_VSTRING32 : WORD := 0; C_IEC61850_MAX_VSTRING64 : WORD := 0; C_IEC61850_MAX_VSTRING255 : WORD := 0; C
pbValue POINTER TO [...] (e.g.: string or [...] Area WORD The area of the
PortInW : WORD <description [...] the current WORD [...] PortInW WORD Input ul
Buffer (FunctionBlock) BytesTo [...] NWords (Method) GetWord [...] NWords (Method) PutWord
LWord ReadString ReadWString ReadWord prv [...] LWord (Method) ReadString