ElemBase.VUM_Constants.VISU_VUM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_USER] OF DWORD AutoLogoutTime [...] in case of new [...] AdditionalUserGroupIds ARRAY [0..Visu
StateCount (Property) ChangeOfStateTime [...] DelayNormal (Property) TimeOfActiveTimeReset (Property) TimeOf
ARRAY [0..31] OF ty [...] IEC61850_AT_INS Actual time duration of state old
_Wstring Iec_Time Iec_Date Iec_DateAndTime Iec_TimeOf [...] _Enum Iec_Array Iec
IpAddress ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE IN: Ip Address of [...] connect udiMessageTime
Pointer to Array of [...] of elements Properties: LockWaitTime
Eigenschaften (Status) t tyIEC61850_AT_TimeStamp har ARRAY [0..IEC61850_MAX_NUM_HAR] OF ty
ARRAY [0..63] OF BYTE [...] of the message [...] The receiver ID of
Arr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING [...] values of the [...] time. We define a
same time. We define a string array strArr: ARRAY[0..9