OfStateCount (Property) ChangeOfStateTime [...] Type (Property) ElapsedActiveTime [...] State (Property) EventTime
CompensationSpeed : TIME ; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT [...] TimeZone . Example [...] Zealand Standard Time
Reinit InOut: Scope [...] PathQueue plTime PlannerTime
SFCActionType : STRUCT InOut [...] BOOL t TIME _t TIME
Reinit InOut: Scope [...] _EvalCache plannerTime PlannerTime
element InOut: Name [...] _tUpdateRate TIME TIME#500ms The [...] quicker than this time.
communication using the SysSocket [...] TLS connection. InOut [...] accepted socket or RTS
_BUS_DP : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] -time wMin_TSDR WORD [...] quite time by
_BUS_DP : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] -time wMin_TSDR WORD [...] quite time by
and a time base [...] time for which [...] cycle time changes