asynchronously InOut: Name [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] Result POINTER TO RTS
RegistrationData : STRUCT InOut: Name Type pstPath POINTER [...] ReplacementInfo POINTER TO IDatasources.ReplacementInfo
Attributes : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Attributes POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF POINTER TO
Position : POINTER TO VisuStructRectangle InOut: Scope Name [...] Position POINTER TO VisuStructRectangle
Create : POINTER TO [...] _DatasourcesResourceEntry InOut: Scope Name [...] POINTER TO Visu_DatasourcesResourceEntry
.IBaseTreeNode InOut: Scope Name [...] .IBaseTreeNode Input pszPath POINTER [...] Interface POINTER TO Sys
actual file pointer position InOut: Scope [...] Pos POINTER TO __XWORD
options InOut: Scope [...] Options POINTER TO LogOptions Pointer to the options
. InOut: Scope Name [...] Client POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the
. InOut: Scope Name [...] Client POINTER TO BYTE A pointer to the