if the size is 2 [...] ! If there is a
if the size is 2 [...] ! If there is a
message is sended if [...] if state
Value : COLLECTION_ERROR Checks if [...] Result BOOL True if the
Value : COLLECTION_ERROR Checks if [...] Result BOOL True if the
Value : COLLECTION_ERROR Checks if [...] Result BOOL True if the
Value : COLLECTION_ERROR Checks if [...] Result BOOL True if the
Value : COLLECTION_ERROR Checks if [...] Result BOOL True if the
Errors.library): ERR_PARAMETER if h [...] _NOTINITIALIZED if the packet is [...] _PENDING if no value is
Diag ( DINFO := diag ); IF [...] Diag.VALID ) THEN IF ( diag [...] available !' ; END_IF END_IF