ApplicationSoftwareVersion.PostStartBACnetStack (METH) ¶ METHOD PostStartBACnetStack : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return PostStartBACnetStack UDINT
AutomaticTimeSync (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AutomaticTimeSync EXTENDS BACnet.BACnetServerPluginBase Default implementation to provide automatic time synchronisation DM-ATS-A. Needs to be called cyclically to ensure datetime calculation and time sync processing. Properties: Name TimeZone Timeout UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem Methods: GetTimeZoneFromSystem Structure: GetTimeZoneFromSystem (Method) Name (Property) TimeZone (Property) Timeout (Property) UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem (Property)
AutomaticTimeSync.GetTimeZoneFromSystem (METH) ¶ METHOD GetTimeZoneFromSystem : ERROR Gets the timezone from the underlying system. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetTimeZoneFromSystem ERROR
AutomaticTimeSync.Name (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Name : STRING
AutomaticTimeSync.TimeZone (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY TimeZone : Util.TimeZone Read / write the timezone. See also GetTimeZoneFromSystem and UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem .
AutomaticTimeSync.Timeout (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Timeout : UDINT Client request timeout in ms.
AutomaticTimeSync.UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem : BOOL Determines whether or not the timezone is updated from the underlying system before each computation involving timezone.
BackupRestore (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK BackupRestore EXTENDS BACnet.BACnetServerPluginBase IMPLEMENTS CmpEventMgr.ICmpEventCallback, BACnet.IBACnetEventConsumer Default implementation for ReinitializeDevice service application hook including handling for backup/restore. Requires a BACnet file object (the backup-restore-object) in Init(). Requests for ReinitializeDevice to REINIT_COLDSTART or REINIT_WARMSTART doesnt stop/start the application nor the whole PLC, because this is not appropriate for all use cases. You can configure, if client created objects should be restored or not. Restore ignores: - backup files created for a different device-ID - server objects in the restore file, but not in the application - if configured: client created objects Configure your BackupFilePath, BackupFailTime, Password and RestoreClientCreatedObjects as needed. Additionally requirements: - a BACnet file object, to be used as backup-restore-file. - dont mix this default implementation with the more simplistic ReinitDevice_SvcAppHook, use just one of both Needs to be called cyclically to ensure processing of timed actions. Properties: BackupFailTime BackupFilePath Name NumHooks Password RestoreClientCreatedObjects TimeZone UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem Methods: BACnetEventCallback DumpDataBase GetHook GetTimeZoneFromSystem Init PostUnregister PreRegister Restore Structure: BACnetEventCallback (Method) BackupFailTime (Property) BackupFilePath (Property) DumpDataBase (Method) GetHook (Method) GetTimeZoneFromSystem (Method) Init (Method) Name (Property) NumHooks (Property) Password (Property) PostUnregister (Method) PreRegister (Method) Restore (Method) RestoreClientCreatedObjects (Property) TimeZone (Property) UpdateTimeZoneFromSystem (Property)
BackupRestore.BACnetEventCallback (METH) ¶ METHOD BACnetEventCallback : BOOL Hook callback for IEC_BACNET_CB_TYPE.CB_REINIT_DEV InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetEventCallback BOOL Input EventId DWORD If only one event is possibly called, the following Ids can be ignored. If there are more at least the EventId should be checked, to get the right type of pParameter. ID of the occured Event. Contains the class and the event (see CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS) usParamId WORD Id of the parameter structure (see pParameter and CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS) usVersion WORD Version of the parameter structure (see pParameter and CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS) pParameter POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the event specific parameter, that is specified by Id (see CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS and CmpBACnet, i.e. EVT_BACNET_ACKALARM)
BackupRestore.BackupFailTime (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY BackupFailTime : UDINT Backup fail time