_Writer EXTENDS LConC Reads the [...] operation LConC Output x [...] : Operation is running LConC
SessionUserRequirements WORD C: 20, L: 2, O [...] CallingSessionSelector STRING(16) C: 51, L [...] CalledSessionSelector STRING(16) C: 52, L
CallingSSUserReference STRING(64) C: 10, L [...] CommonReference STRING(64) C: 11, L [...] AdditionalReferenceInfo DWORD C: 12, L: <= 4
b0xC [...] , 16#0C = 4096, 16#0 [...] (Vorgabe-Wert) w0xC
Submodule 16#800C [...] submodule) Module 16#C00C [...] module) AR 16#E00C AR
TaskCreate are marked with [c [...] Version DWORD [c] Version of [...] STRING [c] Name of the
AlarmStateChangedListener BOOL <c>TRUE</c [...] registered, <c>FALSE</c
_Receiver EXTENDS LConC Reads the [...] defined operation LConC [...] : Operation is running LConC
_Sender EXTENDS LConC Reads the [...] operation LConC Output x [...] : Operation is running LConC
StateChanged BOOL <c>TRUE</c [...] DeactivationStateChanged was successful, <c>FALSE</c> otherwise