IBACnetServerPlugin.Logging (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Logging : BOOL Enable / disable logging.
IBACnetServerPlugin.Name (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Name : STRING
IBACnetServerPlugin.NumCallbacks (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY NumCallbacks : UINT Number of callbacks implemented by the plugin.
Doc ¶ compile options to enable specific logging other compile options
compile options to enable specific logging ¶ The BACnet library provides complex functionality. Bringup of a BACnet application might involve detailed analysis of actions and their ordering. Debugging is not always the best option to do this, because the actions will happen in a callback (which is not a valid breakpoint location) or would simply interfere with timeouts. So there are compile options to enable specific logging for such analysis. BACnetLogErrors - enables logging for error conditions. In case a function or function block method returns an error more information regarding the error conditions are logged. BACnetLogInitialization - enables logging for initialization actions of BACnet objects, their properties and releated function block instances. BACNetLogCreateDeleteObjects - enables logging for creation and deletion of BACnet objects. BACnetLogClientCreateDeleteObjects - enables logging for creation and deletion of BACnet objects triggered by client requests. BACnetLogStartStopServer - enables logging for actions during start / stop of the BACnet server. BACnetLogRegisterEvents - enables logging of event callback registration and deregistration. BACnetLogEventCallbacks - enables logging of event callback execution. BACnetLogBACnetHooksCallbacksRegister - enables logging of BACstack hook / callback registration and deregistration of IBACnetEventConsumer’s. BACnetLogBACnetHooksCallbacks - enables logging of BACstack hook / callback dispatching to IBACnetEventConsumer’s. BACnetLogBACnetEventCallbacks - enables logging of BACstack hook / callback executions of IBACnetEventConsumer’s BACnetEventCallback method. BACnetLogPlugins - enables logging of BACnetServer plugin registration and deregistration. other compile options ¶ BACnetUnprotectedBACnetEventCallbacks - __TRY/__CATCH is eventually not supported for a certain combination of PLC/compiler. Compiling with BACnetUnprotectedBACnetEventCallbacks could be used in this case to fall back to unprotected callbacks. Faulty code in the callback handler will terminate the PLC instead throwing exceptions, so YOU !!! need to ensure there is NO faulty code in the callback handler !!!
Persistence ¶ BACnetPersistenceInfo (Struct) IBACnetPersistence (Interface) DumpDataBase (Method) FreePersistenceInfos (Method) FreeUpdatePropertiesBuffer (Method) GetPersistenceInfos (Method) Name (Property) RestoreClientCreatedObjects (Property) UpdateProperties (Method)
BACnetPersistenceInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE BACnetPersistenceInfo : STRUCT Information which objects had been stored/restored. InOut: Name Type Initial devInstance CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_DWORD objID CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_OBJECT_ID wasClientCreated BOOL restored BOOL FALSE
IBACnetServerPluginCallback.EventCallbackRelease (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY EventCallbackRelease : IBACnetEventConsumer
IBACnetServerPluginHook (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IBACnetServerPluginHook Interface for service application hook used in BACnetServerPlugin. Properties: EventCallback HookType Structure: EventCallback (Property) HookType (Property)
BACnetPropertyAttributePersistent (ENUM) ¶ TYPE BACnetPropertyAttributePersistent : Attribute to configure persistence of BACnet object properties. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial DEFAULT -1 PERSIST 1 NON_PERSISTENT 0