ClientData POINTER TO Visu
_Write EXTENDS CBM.ETrigTo [...] serves to write data to the previously
_pbySendFrame POINTER TO SAFEBYTE [...] Function to send a FSo [...] _xUseFailSafeData shall be used to mark
FB.MaxAlarmDataLength(198) + 2 Byte USI [...] ms), 1 up to 100 [...] the ip stack to the
to. dwPGN DWORD [...] DestinationAddress BYTE for P [...] connection to other
A_Bit (Function) CiA_ControllerModeTo [...] A_DSP402_SetParamDirectValue (Function) CiA_GetCaptureControlByte [...] A_GetCaptureControlWord (Function) CiA_ModeOfOpTo
reset to their [...] address to access the [...] IDN to execute the
Client POINTER TO VisuStructClientData A pointer to the
_DATAPOINTER 6004 Data pointer [...] _RECEIVE_ERROR 6006 Not able to [...] Not able to send a