GetElementPtr (Method) abstrSizeOf
of the connection [...] to. szSize defines the max number of
diSockAddrSize DINT Size of socket [...] Socket address of the
DataPtrChanged abstrSizeOf [...] DataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSizeOf
DataPtrChanged abstrSizeOf [...] DataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSizeOf
to data to send diDataSize __XINT Size of data to [...] SockSendToUdp __XINT Number of bytes
usage. blockSize UDINT The block size [...] number of threads to
(the buffer) dwBufferSize DWORD the size of the
UDINT The size of the [...] in a list of users [...] list of users p
FileWrite : __XWORD Write number of [...] FileWrite __XWORD Number of bytes [...] _IEC_HANDLE Handle of the file pby