. ..note: If [...] ! ..return: If FB [...] returned If no
IoServicesItfs.SafetyIoServicesResult SRTS_OK - if data [...] _PENDING - if no data has [...] _FAILED - if an error
Errors.library): ERR_PARAMETER if p [...] _DUPLICATE if a packet with [...] _NOMEMORY if the available
>Event is sent if the [...] supervisor has changed: if [...] has changed or if
returns true if the [...] to check if it is [...] SupportedCommunicationState could differ if the
returns true if the [...] to check if it is [...] SupportedCommunicationState could differ if the
Busload: Current Busload (if [...] percent (if supported [...] .ERROR.NO_ERROR if no error
InputsHelpDo (Method) ExecuteNotificationsAfterInvalidateIfNecessary (Method) ExecuteNotificationsIf [...] TransformationRespectBestFit (Method) Private prvCollectRectanglesIf
CurrentSupportedCommunicationState : BOOL Returns true if [...] SupportedCommunicationState could differ if the [...] TRUE if state is
returns true if the [...] to check if it is [...] SupportedCommunicationState could differ if the