VisuUserMgmt.prvReadUsers2 (METH) ¶ METHOD prvReadUsers2 : BOOL InOut: Scope
_only InOut: Name TAU_1 TAU_2 TAU_3 WAIT
_WriteBoolParameter . InOut: Scope Name [...] element USINT 2: Name [...] data length in bytes
. InOut: Name [...] _BL_AUTO 2 The direction in which the
EFeedbackSource : In [...] Encoder1 Encoder2
= nothing todo 1 = zoom 2 = panning InOut: Scope
identifier 2. InOut: Scope [...] identifier 2, 0 if they [...] 1 STRING(512) st2 STRING
SMC_R_HGantry2 [...] _BLOCK SMC_R_HGantry2_Data InOut: Scope Name
SMC3_CIA_DSP402_ComputeMantissaAndExponent_60C2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC3_CIA_DSP402_ComputeMantissaAndExponent_60C2 : BOOL InOut: Scope
atan2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION atan2 : LREAL [...] coordinates. InOut: Scope