WString ReadWord prvNextTagIsEndTagWithId Structure: Alive [...] WString (Method) ReadWord
_Outqueue -structure only, it doesn [...] data of structure [...] _GEOINFO . wAddAxis WORD Bit
Bytes (SI (structure [...] (structure element)) wElem WORD Value 7: Data
Bytes (SI (structure [...] (structure element)) wElem WORD Value 7: Data
NBytesReverse GetNWords GetWord [...] NBytesReverse PutNWords PutWord PutWordAt Rewind
Input wStatusWord WORD b [...] word. _ui
_ADDR : STRUCT data structure [...] structure (1= Version 1 [...] identifier SLOT WORD Slot
is a structure of [...] . The structure [...] _IEC_RESULT Input usBus WORD
Jahr WORD byMonat BYTE by [...] MSekunde WORD xDST BOOL CP [...] Structure: DST (Action
in a structure of [...] _IEC_RESULT Input usBus WORD [...] > usDevice WORD