Comment Input IN REAL [...] TRUE : OUT is set to [...] values are set to the
: <unused> 1: INT 2: UINT [...] 5: REAL 6: LREAL [...] Elements INT Number of
. This might lead to [...] to the controller [...] responsiveness to an error, of
GenericVariable Interface to handle [...] GenericVariable GetValueREAL [...] GenericVariable SetValueREAL
FctGetRecordSizeFactor : REAL This function [...] used to control the [...] number of records to
IEC61850_AT_UINT32 frequency REAL hvRef ty [...] _DC BOOL d_REF INT [...] dU_REF INT
formulas are used to [...] . Index 0 refers to the master, index 1 to the
overlap one to other DW [...] close to bottom [...] potence) RADIANT REAL
to the network. This method has to [...] continiously (real time