ReferenceInfoData POINTER TO BYTE If this [...] BYTE If this pointer [...] same as a subsequent
these as volatile [...] network byte order Net [...] network byte order
length 16#UV (1 Byte [...] subindex 16#EF (1 Byte [...] as unsigned values
D mode (such as G [...] aborted bAppend BOOL As long as this input
_CmpApp WORD 16#1 IDs for [...] _CmpApp WORD 16#1 EVTPARAMID_CmpAppConfig WORD 16#1 EVTVERSION
_INFO_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1)] OF BYTE MAC [...] address) wType WORD [...] network byte order Net
CamStructID WORD 16#DC34 By [...] represented. byVarType BYTE [...] POINTER TO BYTE Pointer
transform its reply as a [...] SafetySvcData POINTER TO BYTE pointer
Append BOOL FALSE As long as this input [...] each reset. As long
velocity (F-word) is not [...] acceleration (E+ word) is [...] deceleration (E- word); used