of memory Block uiLength UINT length of [...] CRC16 of the
uiPNAlarmDiagnosticLength UINT the length of [...] GLOB_DIAGNOSTICS_MAXSIZE - 1)] OF BYTE
1 LREAL Length of Arm [...] 2 LREAL Length of Arm [...] transformation of a bipod with
_TRAFO_SCARA2 ) dArmLength1 LREAL Arm length of first [...] 2 LREAL Arm length of
length of the segment [...] content of a segment is provided in the form of
length of the segment [...] content of a packet is provided in the form of
1 LREAL Length of first [...] 2 LREAL Length of [...] transformations of 2-jointed
_no_vfds UINT MAX. number OF [...] _no_obj_descr UINT max. number of [...] . max_obj_name_length
The length of the [...] path segment of fixed length in which
assertions of standard [...] value of the library parameter Constants.WSTRING_LENGTH