ObjectBase GetBACnetArraySizeOf [...] ObjectBase GetBACnetArraySizeOf [...] of this FB give
_paCells POINTER TO ARRAY [0..1] OF Visu [...] _paLabels POINTER TO ARRAY [0..1
aI ARRAY [0..4] OF LREAL DiffGrid4 aII ARRAY [0..4
iterators based on array lists of elements. Properties: ElementArray
identification of the sockets [...] _count UDINT Number of sockets established fd_array
IPAddress ARRAY [0..3] OF [...] Mask ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE Gateway ARRAY [0..3] OF
TaskName ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE [...] ARRAY [0..4] OF BYTE
1 ARRAY [0..15] OF BYTE guid2 ARRAY [0..15] OF BYTE
Inout mac1 ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE mac2 ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE
of the current NameOfStation. abNameOfStation ARRAY [0..239] OF