2 WORD data3 WORD data4 ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE
2 WORD data3 WORD data4 ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE
IntAll POINTER TO BYTE PCI [...] number usCommand WORD [...] VendorID WORD PCI Vendor ID
contained “wLowWord”, “wHighWord [...] 00000011 00000100 -> byLowWord = 16#0304 byHighWord
BroadcastMAC ARRAY [0..5] OF BYTE [...] HardwareType WORD 16#1 wProtocolType WORD 16#800 w
byOutputsA WORD byOutputsB WORD Output aui [...] byInputsA BYTE by
KeyH WORD Head key bType BYTE Protocol type bFill BYTE uiCmd UINT
PortIn : BYTE InOut: Scope [...] PortIn BYTE Input wPort WORD
Format ¶ Byte_To_HexString (Function) DWord_To [...] _HexString_NLZ (Function) Word_To
Add_Tab_Len WORD length of ADD_TAB byInput_Count BYTE [...] Output_Count BYTE counter of